BG France Clarinet Straps
  • BG France Clarinet Straps
  • BG France Clarinet Straps
  • BG France Clarinet Straps
  • BG France Clarinet Straps
  • BG France Clarinet Straps
  • BG France Clarinet Straps

BG France Clarinet Straps

Catalogue No: awBG-C20LP

BG's high-quality clarinet straps are designed to take some of the weight of the instrument off your thumb. Ideal for younger players.

-£2.30 £26.70

Design Specifications:

"Flex" CF

  • BG's "Flex" clarinet neckstrap is highly flexible and unconfined.
  • Each strap is made of nylon with no padding.
  • The CFE neckstrap features an elastic sling.
  • The CFLP neckstrap features a regular sling

"Nylon" C20LP

  • BG's clarinet neckstrap is highly flexible and unconfined.
  • Each strap has a nylon neck pad lined in absorbent cotton and two leather thumbrest adapters to fit any style.
  • This neckstrap features a regular sling.

"Leather" C23

  • BG's clarinet neckstrap is highly flexible and unconfined.
  • Each strap has a leather neck pad lined in absorbent cotton and two leather thumbrest adapters to fit any style.
  • Truly an elegant neckstrap.
  • The C23E neckstrap features an elastic sling.
  • The C23LP neckstrap features a regular sling.
