Core Classics is a collection of seven books of music from the piano canon, selected and graded by leading educationalists. Each volume contains a rich selection of engaging pieces to form the backbone of any pianist's repertoire. With pieces from Albeniz, Rebello, Schumann, and many more, this book includes an abundance of much-loved music.
Andante in B flat, K. 15ii, from 'London Notebook' [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]
Prelude in E minor, Op. 28 No. 4 [Fryderyk Chopin]
Andante from Op. 14 No. 2 [Ludwig van Beethoven]
May, lovely May (Mai, lieber Mai), Op. 68 No. 13 [Robert Schumann]
Corant: Lesson in E minor, third movement [Jean Baptiste Loeillet]
Invention No. 8 in F, BWV 779 [Johann Sebastian Bach]
Vals poetico (No. 6 from Valses poeticos) [Enrique Granados]
Study in C: No. 3 from 'The Wheel of Progress', Op. 74 [Thomas Dunhill]
Album Leaf, from Lyrische Stucke (Lyric Pieces), Op. 12 [Edvard Grieg]
A New Ground, Z. T682 [Henry Purcell]
Mazurka: No.3 from Eight Easy Pieces, Op.43 [Reyngol'd Moritsevich Glier]
A Maske, from 'Fitzwilliam Virginal Book' [Giles Farnaby]
Scherzo-Valse, No. 6 from Album des enfants, deuxieme serie, Op. 126 [Cecile Chaminade]