Forsyths in Covid-19 Lockdown

Cello by bike

During the enforced clousure to customers in-store we can be reached by phone Monday to Friday where our helpful staff will be able to assist you in finding everything from the right book of music, guitar, ukulele, digital piano or indeed a grand piano. We are very much looking forward to being able to reopen to customers in-store, but in the meantime a much reduced staff are working Monday to Friday. We are also closed on bank holidays but of course our shop is always available on-line.

As a reminder here are the contact details for each department

0161 834 3281

– option 1 for sheet music and recordings

option 3 for acoustic pianos

option 4 for guitars, all other instruments, including digital pianos, and accessories

and if you can't get hold of us immeditaely on the phone you can leave a mesage and we will rinig you back.

But of course we are always open at!

Sheet music by post

>>> Pianos and Instruments

Our skeleton staff at the moment includes several members of our Pianos and Instruments Departments who are largely working from home to advise customers by phone but who are making brief occasional visits to our store to set up and pack instruments for deliveries – some of which we carry out ourselves by bike!

>>> Printed and Recorded Music

Since our Printed and Recorded Music Departments cannot be run from home due to the sheer quantities we stock, two of us who can safely make the journey are still coming into the shop every weekday to assist customers by phone and keep up with our online orders.

We'll be taking a break over the long weekend, so you won't be able to reach us by phone but you can drop us an email at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail on 0161 834 3281, option 1, and we'll be back in touch with you on Tuesday!

Ukulele video>>> Time to learn the ukulele!

Right then, you people sat at home all day need a challenge! The ukulele is a perfect first musical instrument: they're cheap, they're easy to make progress on and they're bags of fun – look how happy James is in this video!

We recommend Baton Rouge ukuleles as a first instrument and we have the UR11 featured in the video in stock, so have a look on our website or better still phone us up (we're missing seeing our customers something rotten with the front door closed!) and we'll be delighted to help: 0161 834 3281, option 4.

We also have lots of fantastic tutor books to go along with them. For adults, we would recommend the Hal Leonard Ukulele Method: Book 1 and for children Alfred's Kid's Ukulele Course 1. For more, browse our ukulele music online, or give us a call: 0161 834 3281, option 1.

Posted On: May 22, 2020

Categories: The Forsyths Blog