Teaching Eric

 Cantona tests his musical skills in Looking for EricThe film Looking For Eric has just been released on DVD and seeing the image on the left in today's glowing newspaper review gave us fond memories of one of our favourite customers.  In the film Cantona is asked what he did when times were hard to which he replies "I learnt the trumpet".  This might appear to be just a line in a film, but Eric Cantona actually appeared in our instrument department on the day of his court case regarding his infamous "kung-fu kick" in order to buy a trumpet.  Our trumpet playing MD, Dr Robin Loat, gave King Eric his very first trumpet lesson!Unfortunately, it appears by the standard of his playing in the film, he didn't keep up the practice after we arranged for him to receive more formal lessons.  If you're finding times hard why not follow his example and learn to play the trumpet too!

Posted On: Oct 13, 2009

Categories: Instrument Department