Some Lovely Feedback

We always enjoy hearing from customers, and today we got some lovely feedback from a very nice young man who has been enjoying a Vogel upright piano (designed and made by Schimmel) from us. He says:"I have really enjoyed the Vogel piano and was stunned that it is just 115 cm high, because it sounds much richer than its asian competitors. The combination of a very good intonation and mechanical regulation made it possible for me to produce quiet and incredibly soft sounding notes as well as very powerful and rich sounds. Moreover, the adjustment of the damper spoons is brilliant for jazz music since it produces lovingly short notes. I do not know the right term for this adjustment in English but in German we call it “Halbgang”. Again, thank you so much for all your help and for advising me on this amazing piano."

Posted On: Mar 5, 2014

Categories: Piano Department