Wednesday\'s Star Piano

Today's star is the little Bentley GP148 Grand Piano, our most affordable new grand at a very special price of £4,990. This is a Chinese designed and made grand with a famous old British name on it, and although this piano has nothing in common with older Bentley pianos, we have found that with some careful preparation by our technicians it is capable of a surprisingly sweet sound for the price. It won't suit the budding concert pianist, but it is an attractive and enjoyable small piano for the casual pianist who wants a grand. Of course, the Kawai GM10 and Yamaha GB1 are better pianos for a little more money, but the great advantage of coming to Forsyths is that you can play all of them, as well as a huge range of uprights and other grands, and make an informed decision.

Posted On: Dec 28, 2011

Categories: Piano Department