New Yamaha Clavinova\'s in stock!

22832_12086_1Forsyths have just received the brand new CLP 400 series digital pianos.Yamaha Clavinova CLP Series brings the perfect piano sound and feel to your home. Its Advanced Wave Memory (AWM) tone generation uses multiple samples from a real grand piano to generate every note, and its Graded Hammer (GH) Effect gives each key a natural resistance that increases from the top keys to the bottom keys. Some models feature the Graded Hammer 3 (GH3) or Natural Wood (NW) Keyboard which render concert grand piano performance that is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. With a simple control panel and additional orchestral sounds every CLP model is a truly grand piano experience.We also carry the entry level Yamaha Arius  digital piano range with prices starting from just £609  for the YDP-S31.We also carry the latest models from Roland , Kawai  and Korg with over 30 models to choose from - on the second floor of our store.Please call in for a demonstration of these fantastic digital pianos.

Posted On: Jul 15, 2011

Categories: Piano Department