New Schimmel Konzert 125T

new Schimmel K125TWe have just received the first of the new Konzert series K125T instruments.  This model not only has a new casework design theme which will eventually permeate the whole Schimmel upright range but also important modifications to its acoustic design and construction.Visually the piano now has a graceful long leg that extends all the way to the floor (rather than sitting on top of the beam that juts out from the bottom of the piano).  The piano also now features a height adjustable slider rather than castors as standard.  With the increased popularity of hard floors any slight unevenness leads to a piano that, at worst, wobbles and more often than not stresses the frame of the instrument.  The new slider means that the piano can be set up to accommodate the unevenness without stressing the body of the piano thus ensuring better structural and tuning stability.  For traditionalists castors are still available as an option.The internal modifications have increased the weight of the sound in the bass whilst retaining the preciseness of the treble regions.  The final piece of good news is that this instrument is less expensive than the existing model 125.

Posted On: Jul 31, 2010

Categories: Piano Department