Schimmel 125 Anniversary

The Schimmel Factory and early arrivers to the Schimmel Anniversary
Forsyth were honoured to be invited to the 125th Anniversary celebrations of the Schimmel piano company in Braunschweig, Germany together with representatives of the piano industry from all over the globe.  There were well wishers from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, USA, Australia even Vietnam all joined together to celebrate the outstanding qualities of the new Schimmel instruments.  It was particularily pleasing as it was officially announced that the Schimmel company was now back in full health and had been returned to entirely 100% family owned status (previously 24.9% share was owned by Yamaha Corporation even though the company was 100% family controlled).Other exciting anouncements were the development of distinctive new case work features and the impending release of two new models the new entry level all German instrument the  C114MJ and K125T from the Classic and Konzert ranges respectively.  We will be writing  more on these developments soon!

Posted On: Jun 10, 2010

Categories: Piano Department