Thank You-kulele!

Ukulele DayA big thank you to everyone who came along to our Ukulele Day last Saturday and made it such a rip-roaring success. The workshop with Steven Sproat was amazing and taught us all a few new tricks. There was ukulele maker Steve Caldwell from Weazel Wharf and we now have a couple of his ukuleles in stock. We had our friend Mark from Stones Music who very gamely put together one the wolfelele kits he distributes in the shop window in a personal best time of only 3 hours. We've got the kits in stock now and at only £49 they make an ideal Christmas present. He's also responsible for the impressive range of Uluru ukuleles we have in stock. There was also special ukes brought along for the day by Lani, Lanikai and Kala so we had a fabulous selection for people to try and buy. We still have a fantastic collection and you're more than welcome to come in and try our wares. It was such a good day, we're thinking about having another one before too long. Keep your eyes peeled.

Posted On: Dec 5, 2011

Categories: Guitar Department , Guitars , Ukulele