Highlights from this weeks new guitar arrivals

Danelectro sent us a couple of wackier examples of the current catalogue this week: a Copperburst Long Horn bass and a sparkly silver '56 Baritone with a Silvertone style dolphin headstock. We tweeted about needing sunglasses to look at the Baritone and promptly got retweeted by a sunglasses manufacturer, which was a bit odd. Anyway, they're both extremely cool looking guitars.

We had a Mexican Fender drop, nothing particularly unusual but plenty of colour options in Mexican Standards and we have one of the new Standard HH Jazzmasters in Ghost Silver that we haven't had before.

New from Gretsch is a version of the New Yorker acoustic archtop with a replica of the famous old screw on Dearmond pickup that everybody added to their archtops in the 60s - a really nice touch and it makes the guitar a much more versatile instrument than the plain acoustic. These New Yorkers also have a really comfortable vintage feeling 1 3/4" V neck profile that sets them apart from most of the budget archtops on the market. Also from Gretsch we have a very sexy pair of White Falcon Rancher acoustics in 6 string and 12 string.

This week's Rickenbacker is a definite 60s classic and an old favourite of ours - a Mapleglo 360.

Lastly, a new model from Martin: we haven't got round to photographing the Dreadnaught Junior because we've been too busy clucking over it like mother hens ('It's so cute! Look how tiny it is!') but we have a couple of them in stock and they'll be on the website shortly. Here they are!

More next week - there's a box from America marked Electro Harmonix just appeared in the post room, so that should keep us busy for a while...

Posted On: Oct 24, 2015

Categories: Guitar Department , The Forsyths Blog