A Flying Start for Strings Violin Book 3 by Jennifer Thorp
  • A Flying Start for Strings Violin Book 3 by Jennifer Thorp

A Flying Start for Strings Violin Book 3 by Jennifer Thorp

Catalogue No: FS039
Typically dispatched in 2-3 working days

Teachers can use this versatile series in a way that suits their own teaching style. There is ample room in all books for the teacher wishing to add more dynamics, slurs, bowing signs, tempos, instructions or explanations. The large easy-to-read notes and clear and simple layout help students concentrate on the notes they are learning. Lively folk and traditional tunes make learning fun and lead to confident playing.

With only one tune on most pages, the young student gains a sense of achievement from turning the pages quickly and moving on.

Book 3

Book 3 introduces more complex tunes within an octave. It further explores intervals across adjacent strings and introduces semiquavers, staccato bowing, low second finger notes and major scales and arpeggios starting on the third finger (cello fourth finger).

More duets, canons and rounds extend experience in ensemble playing.

Simple harmonics and tunes in 6/8 are included. A bowing variations page has new rhythms and bowings.
