Humes & Berg Stone Lined Trombone Straight Mute
  • Humes & Berg Stone Lined Trombone Straight Mute

Humes & Berg Stone Lined Trombone Straight Mute

Catalogue No: abHUM-151

The Humes & Berg 151 Stonelined Trombone Straight Mute enables you to play with a classic, mellow sound. It is free and easy-blowing in all registers and has excellent intonation.


What they say

The Humes & Berg Co have been making these Stonelined mutes since 1935. Featuring on countless recordings over the years they are instantly recognisable by the unchanged red and white colour scheme.

This Trombone Mute suits most models of Tenor Trombone and gives that classic, mellow tone with good intonation and an even sound. These mutes are high quality and many players use them all through their professional lives.
